As February approaches are you beginning to feel that the New Year, New You is rapidly sliding back to the old year, old you? Are those best intentions and resolutions for the New Year beginning to fade into the past. Are you feeling frustrated and a bit disappointed in yourself at how easily you are sidetracked from those dearly held improvements that you'd like to change? I certainly am. And I've worked out some tips to help. Although I've put it at the bottom of the list, one of my most important tips is to be good to myself which is why, this year, I've put self care at the top of my list. I'm rewarding myself with Reflexology and Indian Head Massage treatments because when you're expending a lot of energy in pursuing goals, it's important to get some back. So, here are some tips to help you get back on track:
To book an appointment email [email protected] or call Doris on 07724 197627.
In the slower, colder, winter months, our bodies tend to store more toxins because our detoxification organs are impacted by inactivity. And the festivities over Christmas and New Year intensify this effect. Because different parts of the foot relate to corresponding parts of the body, a Detox Reflexology session can focus on the elimination system and gently amplify the body's natural detox functions. By giving extra focus to the lymphatic system, kidney, lungs, liver and colon during a treatment, the body's natural detox function can be stimulated and supported, providing an internal cleanse - and not a glass of lemon juice in sight (although if you want the lemon juice too, that's even better). There's some research to support the fact that Reflexology relaxes the blood vessels, promoting an increased blood flow which allows the elimination organs and lymphatic system to function more effectively, whilst at the same time helping the body to eliminate the toxins more effectively. And it's very relaxing which can't hurt! Because stress creates a heavier toxic burden for the body to bear - all those stress chemicals which wash through the body can become a real toxic load if they are not burned off by the natural fight/flight response. So why not shake off the fallout from the Festivities, and jump-start your detoxification system with a Detox Reflexology add on to your normal Reflexology treatment? Start the year the way you mean to continue - healthy, wealthy & wise! Add a 10 minute Detox Reflexology to your regular Reflexology session for only £5 extra. To book your session contact Doris Wylie on 07724 17627 or email [email protected]. |