![]() Prior to lockdown I'd just completed a Life Purpose Coaching qualification and I've taken advantage of the spare time to develop an online programme. How purposeful is your life? I've put together a wee quiz to help you determine how close your current life is to fulfilling your life purpose. Just click on the link above for your Life Purpose Assessment. Now I know at the moment many people will be worried about their jobs and will be in survival mode, while others will be working even harder than usual and trying to adapt to working from home. So my timing may not be great! But I do think that life as we know it has changed (at least for the next few years) and what better time to consider life purpose than when life itself seems under threat. For the people who now feel trapped in a job they don't much like, looking at life purpose can give them a way to make the most of a less than ideal situation by finding more meaning in the life they have. For the people who are having to re-think their career path because their industry has been decimated by the pandemic, looking at life purpose before they embark on a new career direction could mean the difference between a life of drudgery and a life of authenticity and meaning. Discovering your life purpose doesn't mean you have to re-arrange your life instantly to fit your purpose - you can choose how and when to bring more purpose into your life. But if you haven't worked out your life purpose you rob yourself of that choice. Help Please ... Because it's a new part of my business, I wonder if I could ask you to help me out by liking my Facebook Page. And if you know anyone who might be searching for their life purpose, please point them in my direction. I can offer online 1-1 support (via Zoom or Skype) and I've also created an online the Life Purpose Programme course for download. And I'm ideally placed to be coaching life purpose, because I've been there, done that and got the T-shirt! My late 30's saw a radical change of career and lifestyle and now my early 60's is seeing another transition - if I'm running in 30 year cycles, I wonder what my 90's will bring? My advice most certainly is not to wait too long before you begin to wonder what you're actually here to do - it's never too soon to start revealing your life purpose.