![]() Reflexologists believe that your feet reflect physical imbalances in the body, but can they also reflect your personality? Check out the following and see for yourself. WIDE FEET You’re a hard worker and you like to keep busy - you really can’t sit still and you’re happiest when you’re busy. But activity needs to be balanced with stillness and you should try to make time for a little peace and calm in your life. LONG NARROW FEET You love to be surrounded by beautiful things, be in beautiful places and you love being pampered. You have a real ability to delegate and would much rather someone else did all the work. The Chinese would say you have Princess feet - you were born to be waited on, but make sure it doesn't alienate those around you. ARCHES High arches - these reflect a strong desire to be independent and self-sufficient. You go off on your own a lot and might even be accused of being anti-social. In Chinese philosophy, those with very high arches are in danger of being brittle and rigid. Low or average arches - these mean that you enjoy the company of others, are sociable and fairly extrovert. You like to have a good time and want everyone around you to have a great time too. THE BIG TOE - The big toe is the thinking toe (head) Longer than the other toes - you are a clever, creative thinker who comes up with ingenious solutions to problems and never runs out of ideas. You’re never stumped for an answer, and can see things from different angles. But it's likely you're good at starting but poor at finishing and you pursue the next great idea and you can be easily distracted. Smaller than the other toes - you are a superb multi-tasker, very efficient and a great delegater. Big toe overlaps your second toe - this generally indicates head over heart and vice versa. Massive toe pads - you're a very deep thinker and you like to consider everything carefully, but you may be prone to paralysis by analysis. THE SECOND TOE - The second toe is your feeling toe (heart) Long second toe - an indication of leadership qualities - the longer the toe the more pronounced the leadership qualities. You are a resourceful dynamo and want it all your way, but it can come across as being bossy. Indian folklore has it that eagle-eyed mothers stopped their sons marrying girls with long second toes because it meant they were far too bossy! Smaller second toe - means you're happy to bide your time. You'd rather have a harmonious outcome and won’t try to force things through. Gap between second and third toe - this means you are not emotionally engaged in your activities. This might be because the work requires you to be detached, or it may be because you don't enjoy what you are doing. Second toe narrow at the base and wide at the tip- this indicates some "drama queen" tendancies: whatever you're feeling, whether it's great or gloomy, will be expressed in a BIG way, bigger than you feel it. Second toe on left foot leaning towards big toe - this is a sign of a sentimental, nostalgic nature - shared by Hollywood actress Reece Witherspoon. THE THIRD TOE - The third toe is your doing toe The Chinese associate energy, drive and willpower with the third toe. Long third toe - this means you are highly resourceful and energetic, especially at work. And the longer the toe, the more driven you are to succeed. You can be aperfectionist, but you have a tendency to be a workacholic and forget about fun, love and family. Short third toe - this indicates that you enjoy the pleasures in life and love to relax. You're not inclined to get worked up about things and although you may be accused of being lazy, you feel that you just like to enjoy life. Third toe tilted so nail faces towards the little toe - this means you're great at forward planning and able to look forward and consider the next steps. Last joint of third toe at an angle - You have the natural ability to deceive, as well as the propensity to be misunderstood. Frequently to be found in spies! THE FOURTH TOE - The fourth toe is your relationship toe Long and straight fourth toe - this indicates the importance of family in your life. Unhappiness in your relationships with loved ones will show up in a curling of this toe. You are a superb listener and nurturer, but will be deeply affected by unhappiness within the family. You find it hard to cut yourself off from other people’s problems. Short fourth toe - this means that family and relationships are less crucial to you — your focus is elsewhere. THE LITTLE TOE - The little toe – the moving toe (expansiveness and freedom of thought) Small little toe - this characterises someone with a childlike impish nature: someone who doesn't want responsibility, is easily bored and is constantly looking for amusing diversions. This person is great fun to be with, but don't look for them to be steady and reliable. The smaller the little toe to stronger these characteristics. Little toe on its side - If your little toe is on its side with the nail facing the wall instead of the ceiling then you are unconventional and rebellious and follow your own path. Little toe separates from fourth toe - this indicates someone who is impulsive, adventurous and a charming flirt. This person hates routine and is needs constant change. Little toe can't separate from fourth toe - this reflects someone who likes routine in order to feel security. They will be loyal, reliable, and trustworthy and don't want too many surprises. We could set our clocks by them! And other characteristics of your toes are: Well spaced – open minded with plenty of room to expand the mind and be inspired, but if there's a gap between your big toe and first toe, it may mean that you agree to things and then wish you hadn't - the head and the feelings aren't working in harmony. Bent – fearful of responsibility or bends to other people’s beliefs. Crushed – dominated, smothered or stifled. Overlapping – no room for own ideas, lacks freedom of thought. Sloping – insecure and inflexible. May change ideas to please others. Squashed – conforms to rigid beliefs, leaving no room for own thoughts. Stands alone – need space to think. Twisted – turning away from the truth, looking to others for reassurance. Uneven toes – inconsistent, erratic thoughts. Tendon showing at base of big toe when feet at rest - If just your big toe tendon shows when you are sitting in a chair with your feet flat on the floor, then you are self-disciplined. Toes that neatly graduate in size - If each toe is a little longer than the one before, creating a neat line, this indicates a methodical, precise and extremely practical person. You’re interested in detail and ensure that you always finish what you start. You’re a dream employee, and a good friend — loyal and steadfast to a fault. Watch out for a tendency to nitpick, though — not everyone is as balanced as you. And talking about feet and what they say about you, I'd just like to remind you that I have a special JULY OFFER: £10 off your first treatment of Reflexology or Indian Head Massage, so please help me spread the word. This offer is only available for treatments booked in July, so don't delay. To book just call Doris on 07724 197627.