PASSIVE CHAKRA BALANCE I'm delighted to be offering a new treatment - the Passive Chakra Balance for relaxation and mind-body balance. The ancient Indian tradition of health describes seven main chakras (energy centres) within the human body. Each chakra has an attachment to a separate area of the body, including glands and organs. The word chakra means wheel in Sanskrit. The seven separate chakras each have their own purpose, but they must work together to create balance in the body. With balance, the body will experience physical and emotional peace and resolution. Physical practices such as Yoga aim to create balance within the chakras to improve physical, mental and emotional health. The Passive Chakra Balance allows you to be still and relax while you have your chakras balanced, using a combination of muscle testing and energy healing. This treatment should create a feeling of wellbeing and being "centred". The Passive Chakra Balance takes around 30 minutes and is done fully clothed. The different chakras are associated with different physical, mental and emotional states, both positive and negative and the purpose of the chakra balance is to move negative states into positive states and to ensure that their is balance between the 7 chakras. The 7 chakras are: 1. Root - associated with the colour red. When this chakra is in balance, you feel supported, safe and grounded. 2. Sacral - associated with the colour orange. When this chakra is in balance you feel creative, committed and able to take risks. 3. Solar Plexus - associated with the colour yellow. When this chakra is in balance we feel in control, assertive and confident. 4. Heart - associated with the colour green. When this chakra is in balance you feel joy, gratitude, love, compassionate and trusting. 5. Throat - associated with the colour blue. When this chakra is in balance you feel free to express and communicate and also able to listen well. 6. Third Eye - associated with the colour violet. When this chakra is in balance we feel clear, focused and can identify truth from illusion. We are open to receive wisdom and insight. 7. Crown - associated with the colour white. When this chakra is in balance we live in the moment are "centred" and able to trust our inner guidance. The Passive Chakra Balance takes around 30 minutes and costs £20. If you're interested in booking a session go to the online booking system. PASSIVE CHAKRA BALANCE: HALF PRICE UNTIL 30 June 2016