![]() I've just been reading a spread in my professional magazine and apparently Reflexology can support ageing well and age related conditions. I've always been told that Reflexology boosts circulation but recently there have been a few studies* which suggest that rather than increase circulation, the relaxing effects of Reflexology help to decrease resistance in the blood vessels, allowing for more efficient flow rather than faster flow. This allows a greater volume of blood to flow rather than a faster flow of blood, reducing the risk of releasing a clot due as a result of faster circulation. This greater volume of blood flow allows all the nutrients and oxygen in the blood to flow more efficiently to the body cells, feeding your body at a cellular level. For older people with complex health issues and an increasing consumption of prescribed medication, Reflexology may (in theory) help aid absorption and improve elimination of the unabsorbed parts of the medication. Elements that affect the absorption of medication are: whether the medication is taken orally or intravenously; how well the digestive process breaks down tablets: what has been eaten around the time of taking the drugs; levels of hydration - drugs are not absorbed as well if a person is dehydrated; levels of stress because high stress reduces absorption; pain levels because high pain levels reduce absorption; levels of physical activity, because higher activity increases better absorption. Reflexology may benefit absorption because it may have a beneficial effect on digestion (not yet proven), and help reduce stress and pain by increasing the relaxation effect. Did you know that the thirst reflex reduces as we age? Reflexology may improve hydration as it's my experience that most people feel thirsty after a treatment. Also the improved blood flow helps the active elements of the medication to reach their destination more efficiently. It's also my experience that many clients find they need to visit the toilet after a Reflexology treatment and that to me indicates that Reflexology stimulates urination which will improve the elimination of the unabsorbed part of any medication being taken. There are other ways in which Reflexology can help ageing well, which I discuss in an earlier blog: reflexology-and-ageing-well.html So, if you have any special elderly friends or family whom you think would benefit from Reflexology, take advantage of this month's offer of 10% off a gift voucher and give them a treat. To organise your gift voucher call Doris on 07724 197627 or email [email protected]m. *https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jenny_Jones4/publication/232235678_Reflexology_has_an_acute_immediate_haemodynamic_effect_in_healthy_volunteers_A_double-blind_randomised_controlled_trial/links/54a03fcd0cf267bdb9016526.pdf http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10460981 www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11340315