Trying to conceive? Here's a top tip for getting pregnant from the Lothian Reflexology Fertility Programme ... The most important thing if you want to get pregnant is to have sex before or during ovulation. Obvious, right! But how to do that accurately? And what if you're timing is accurate but you're still not getting pregnant, or, sadly, you miscarry? And what if you're going for tests or procedures - the more information you can provide, the better, right? You'll know, if you're TTC, how the uncertainty can drive you mad - constantly feeling as if you're second guessing your cycle. And you might be going for treatments or following certain programmes to improve fertility without knowing whether they're really making a difference. Information gives you power, even if it's unwelcome information. So what's the answer? Temperature Charting is essential if you want to know what's happening with your cycle. Your basal body temperature is one of the two primary indicators of your fertile window, but it gives a lot more information than that. Temperature charting can tell you when you ovulate - unfortunately it tells you after you have ovulated, and that can put a lot of women off using it - why bother? Well, if you continue with your charting for a few months, you may be able to see a pattern. Using an ovulation predictor kit? Charting your temperature you can help you check the accuracy of the ovulation predictor kit against the information about your ovulation from your chart. Your temperature chart will also give you information about your hormone cycle and if it's clear you're ovulating regularly and having sex at the right time then, if you've been trying for a while, there may be other issues. Temperature charting will indicate progesterone deficiencies in the second half of the cycle which can be associated with infertility and early miscarriage. Not great news, but at least you have some information and can take action sooner rather than later. And if you're following a programme to improve your fertility such as acupuncture or Fertility Reflexology then temperature charting gives you an indication of whether the programme is working or not. It may not be totally scientific, but it is more concrete than a wing and a prayer. The Lothian Reflexology Fertility Programme recommends temperature charting, not as a fertile window predictor (although that's another benefit), but rather as an information gathering tool about a woman's individual cycle and hormone levels. Over a 12 week fertility programme, the client can see for themselves any positive changes to their cycle and hormone levels and that helps to take away some of the uncertainty and lets the client feel more in control. Temperature charting is not mandatory, but it comes highly recommended for the Lothian Reflexology Fertility Programme. Want to know more? Download the Fertility Reflexology E-Book. If you want more information about fertility charting or you want to start temperature charting for yourself, the best free resource is Any questions or experiences with temperature charting? I'd love to hear about them, so please post a comment.
Maximise your fertility, naturallyHave you been trying to conceive for 12 months or more, without success?
Are you confused by all the conflicting information on the internet? Would you like to feel more supported with your efforts to get pregnant? Fertility Support Workshops
Sign up for a series of 6 Fertility Support Workshops: Only 10 places available When: Mondays 7.30-9pm on: 22 Sept, 6 Oct, 20 Oct, 3 Nov, 17 Nov, 1 Dec 2014 Where: The Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Centre 25 Palmerston Place, Edinburgh How Much: £15 per session Book: Contact Doris Wylie on 07724 197627 or email [email protected] Doris Wylie Lothian Reflexology 07724 197627 If you'd like to conceive, I'd ask you to look at all the highs and lows of your fertility journey. I know you'd do anything to get pregnant, so I'd like you to ask yourself ... are you trying too hard? Trying might not be a useful thing to do, in fact it may actually hinder all your best efforts, because trying is about : endeavour, difficulty, becoming annoyed – or so the dictionary says. Trying is all about chasing after your dream rather than waiting to receive it. Trying is all about forcing your heart's desire into being rather than allowing it to materialise in it's own good time. Trying is about control rather than being in a state of flow. Are you chasing your dream of having a baby rather than being ready to receive with open arms? May I suggest that this might not be the best strategy. And here’s why ... Imaging you were to go fishing. If you were to go fishing, you’d pack your kit – everything you need to land that prizewinning fish. You’d pick the perfect spot where you know the fish are likely to be. You’d set your bait and cast your line and then you’d sit back and relax and wait for the fish to bite. And while you’re waiting for the fish to bite you’d likely just enjoy being out in the fresh air, in the peace and quiet, giving yourself time to settle and release, and letting your worries and cares wash away. What you wouldn’t do is: jump into the car with no equipment. Then stop at any old spot without checking first to find out how the fishing was. And race into the water fully clothed, trying to catch the fish with your bare hands! That would just be ridiculous, wouldn't it? The very act of “trying”, creates a level of stress that is more likely to take you away from what you want instead of closer to it. You effectively create obstacles that wouldn’t otherwise exist as a consequence of your desire to increase your chances of getting pregnant. You begin to get in your own way! Can I just say that again, "You begin to get in your own way"! This is not always an easy concept to process when your sole goal in life is to get pregnant, so please give it some thought. May I suggest that you might choose to let go, stop "trying", chill and just wait for the fish to bite. And if you need some help with your fertility journey, check out how Fertility Reflexology could help. If you want more tips like this, you’ll find them in the Free Baby Making Mindset Club, just go to I'm so excited (and scared), I've just launched a new business. It's called the Baby Making Mindset Club and it's designed to help women who are trying to conceive to stay positive and help them smooth out the emotional rollercoaster that can accompany trying for a baby. It's taken a few false starts and I've had a huge struggle with the technology (inter-anything has me bamboozled), but I've managed it. I've designed the club so that the ladies join a group and can then get lots of support from each other (and me of course) when they need it. And they'll also get an opportunity to have their burning questions answered, plus, each month I'll be running a Mindset Masterclass to help with many of the common mindset and emotional challenges that go with trying to conceive. It's going to be great, and the format allows me to keep the cost down - it's only £1 to join for the first month and then £9.99 every month afterwards - less than the cost of a WEEKLY latte! And they can leave the club whenever they want - hopefully because they're pregnant and don't need the support any more! So, please wish me luck. It's a wonderful cause and I'm hoping I'll be able to make a real difference in people's lives. And I'd be delighted if you'd spread the word ...... More information about the Baby Making Mindset Club can be found at: And, I'm offering a free e-book: I first wrote this article around this time last year, and I make no apologies for re-posting it again today... Because I heard recently that most people manage about 9 days of their New Year resolutions before they give up. So if you've had great intentions regarding the changes you'd like to make this year, but find sticking to them much more difficult than you'd thought, here are a few tips to strengthen your resolve:
1. If you've got a goal - WRITE IT DOWN and look at your written goal every day. 2. Be clear about WHY you want your goal - and how much better off you will be once you have it - and write that down too. Write down lots of benefits that achieving your goal will bring you and think about them every day. 3. Imagination is stronger than willpower, so imagine yourself AS YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE. 4. GET EMOTIONALLY INVOLVED. Generate strong feelings of how it would feel when you achieve your goal, get yourself really, really motivated to achieve your goal. 5. Think only in the positive - the brain doesn't process negatives (try NOT thinking about an orange elephant), so FOCUS ON WHAT YOU WANT, rather than what you don't want. 6. Check you can MEASURE PROGRESS towards your goal and break your goal down into smaller manageable chunks. Monitor your success and if you're not meeting your targets, use that as a reason to get even more motivated. Good luck! Lothian Reflexology provides Reflexology for Stress, General Health & Wellbeing, Fertility and Pregnancy. Gift Vouchers Available JANUARY OFFER: Detox Reflexology - 3 treatments for the price of 2 only in January and February. LOTHIAN REFLEXOLOGY - Reflexology for Stress, General Health, Fertility and Pregnancy. Also available: Indian Head Massage and Facial Rejuvination Massage.
Book by calling Doris on 07724 197627 or email [email protected]. |