![]() I hope you had a wonderful Festive Season full of food, fun and friends. But now that the New Year is here, most of us feel the need to get back to a stricter regime. As a reflexologist, I often see an increase in foot sensitivity in the colon and kidney reflexes at this time of year - a response to the over-indulgance of the holiday season I expect. All these little party snacks and nibbles are packed full of trans-fats, sugar and salt that can take your body out of balance. And that's without factoring alcohol into the equation. How would you know if your body's straining under the effects of the party season? Well, a drop in energy levels, poor skin condition, dull eyes, constipation, or poor sleep patterns may all indicate that your body's in need of some tender loving care. Fortunately your body's a very efficient detox machine and will comfortably clear your system of toxins, but there's no harm in helping things along. Here are a few tips to boost your body's natural detox process: