Have you made your New Year's Resolutions yet? What goals and targets have you set for this year? Watch out if they're only work related - read on and I'll tell you why. If you want to boost the success of your goals this year, here's how..... Release 2014 All too often we rush forward with what we want to achieve without taking stock of where we’ve been, learning the lessons and letting go of what was. And if we don’t - to use the Hollywood parlance - “consciously uncouple” from the past, it’s all too easy to carry all that “stuff” from the past into the present and that can drain our energy and drag us down. And the last thing we need when we’re reaching forward to new challenges and goals is a drag on our energy! Have A “Whole” Life Plan All too often when we set goals and ambitions, we only focus on parts of our life – relationship, career, finances, etc. Doing this certainly helps you focus, but it can leave your life lop-sided – you become successful in certain areas of your life, while other areas of your life feel unfulfilled. You will get much better results and feel much more satisfied with life, if you have a plan that will improve all areas of your life. Engage Emotionally With Your Goals You’ve perhaps heard of SMART targets – setting objectives that are: Smart, Measurable, Achieveable, Realistic and Timebound. That’s the gold standard of target setting, but SMART targets can often be a bit uninspiring. You’ll get a lot further and be a lot more successful if you pick goals that you really want to achieve, goals that motivate you and make your heart sing, goals that get you all fired up. Motivation is a strong emotion that drives you forward, so to achieve your goals you will find it much easier if you are emotionally attached to them and therefore motivated to achieve them. Avoid Having Money As A Goal Money’s important, but for most people, money isn’t the reason WHY they do what they do. It’s what money gets them that drives them to achieve financial goals: freedom, peace of mind, recognition, security, etc. Most of us work to live, rather than living to work – and if you ask me, that’s exactly right. Too large a focus on money can lead you to live to work, rather than working to live. Trust that if you do what you love the money will follow. Decide, Commit, Review Wanting something isn’t the same as DECIDING you’ll achieve it. Once you decide that something will be so, you unconsciously begin to target in on that objective. Without a decision, your goal is only a wish or a hope. And it’s only when you make a clear decision that you can really COMMIT to achieving the outcome. Once you make a real commitment to your goal, you will feel able to take whatever actions are required to achieve your objective. Commitment helps you overcome your inner fears and objections to doing what needs to be done to achieve your objective. But commitment requires regular REVIEW to allow you to adjust your plan to ensure you achieve your outcome. A year is too long a time to have a goal without reviewing progress. Your goals may require to be broken down into smaller chunks, or if your strategy isn’t working you may require to change your approach in order to reach your goal. A quarterly review is the minimum requirement and it would be preferable to review your goals monthly to ensure you keep on track. Good luck in moving forward to your goals in 2015 and if you want to extra sparkle into your results in 2015, check out my new workbook "Supercharge Your Results in 2015".