Fertility Week 29 Oct – 4 Nov 2018
Changing perceptions, providing support and raising funds This is an extract from Fertility Support Network UK, a charity which provides free and impartial support, advice, information and understanding for anyone affected by fertility issues. They are organising a number of events over the next week: "Not being able to have the family you yearn for can be an incredibly isolating experience whatever stage of your fertility journey you are at: considering your future fertility, having fertility treatment, or facing life without children. Fertility Week is a chance to challenge the taboos and myths around infertility and raise awareness of the devastating physical, emotional and social impact fertility problems wreak. Together – sharing stories and experiences – we can change perceptions, signpost support and raise funds to help others. Together we are stronger. #YouAreNotAlone Monday 29 October #Scream4IVF We reveal the best and worst places to live in the UK if you’re hoping to access NHS IVF and release the latest news about #Scream4IVF – our campaign for fair access to NHS fertility treatment. Help us end the IVF postcode lottery: scream, share and sign our online petition at www.scream4IVF.org Tuesday 30 October #LifeWithoutChildren How do you move forwards meaningfully when you have not been able to have children? We reveal exclusive research results from Dr Sophia Gameiro of Cardiff University and host two webinars: Lesley Pyne at 19.00 talking about her book Finding Joy beyond Childlessness and Dr Sofia Gameiro at 20.30 discussing practical advice if you have not met your parenthood goals. Further info at http://fertilitynetworkuk.org/for-those-facing-the-challenges-of-childlessness/support/2018-webinar-series/ Wednesday 31 October #FertilityFellas Fertility is not solely a female issue – men are half the fertility equation too – so it’s time to explode some male fertility myths. Did you know the most common reason for a couple to try IVF is because of male factor problems? Share and tweet our top five male fertility facts. Thursday 1 November #FertilityAtWork Do you know your employment rights during fertility treatment? We highlight what people can and should expect from their employer when facing fertility issues and going through treatment. Share and tweet our fertility at work facts. Friday 2 November #FutureFertility We focus on fertility education: do you know your fertility vital statistics? For women, they’re 28:35:42. 28: female fertility is already falling, 35: female fertility plummets, 42: your chance of becoming a biological mother is vanishingly small. Share and tweet our future fertility facts. The 2nd is also World Fertility Day. World Fertility Day is about education, empowerment and understanding. IVFbabble.com founders, Tracey Bambrough and Sara Marshall-Page will be hosting an event in London and have invited leading fertility experts in every field across the globe to join us to offer their knowledge. If you would like to join, just email on [email protected]. Saturday 3 – Sunday 4 November The Fertility Show, London Fertility Week culminates in The Fertility Show at Olympia, London – the biggest and best-attended fertility show in the world. Join us there https://www.fertilityshow.co.uk/london Get involved in Fertility Week: Host a Fertili-tea party Brew like you’ve never brewed before. Everything seems better after a cup of tea, so we’re asking all tea aficionados to call up friends, family or colleagues, bake a fertility cake or two (let your imagination run wild) and sell tea and cakes to help others. And, yes, we want to see photos of those amazing egg and sperm cakes. For a Fertiliti-tea pack visit http://fertilitynetworkuk.org/fertilitea/ Get social Share your stories, experiences, blogs and more during the week using the hashtags #YouAreNotAlone #FertilityWeek18 and either #Scream4IVF #LifeWithoutChildren #FertilityFellas #FertilityatWork or #FutureFertility Contact us For press releases and information on our #YouAreNotAlone media campaign, contact Catherine Hill, head of communications at [email protected]. Send your #YouAreNotAlone blogs, Fertili-tea photos and more to digital communications officer, Natalie Aminoff at [email protected]" If you are affected by fertility issues, check out this Fertility page or join us at the Fertility Support Group every second Monday at Soul Retreat, 2 Biggar Road, Edinburgh 5.30 - 6.30 - for more information contact Doris Wylie on 07724 197627.