Touch therapies have never been more important. Coronavirus and all the fear and uncertainty that it brings, along with remote working and job insecurity increase stress levels and undermine positive mental health. It just seems so much to cope with all at once. And the truth is it's never been more important to reducing stress because stress makes you sick, exhausted and depleted both mentally and physically. And importantly in these days of Coronavirus, stress negatively impacts your immune system. So, even if your eating well; even if you're exercising regularly; even if you're getting plenty of sleep and feeling fit and healthy, chronic stress will undermine all your efforts. Social distancing and remote working mean that the informal support that you got from colleagues has gone: the water-cooler moments; the vent your frustration moments; the brainstorming ideas moments; and all those other informal interactions that help get you through the day, because Zoom or Microsoft Teams just isn't the same. Of course, you avoid the negative interactions too, which must help a bit. And the support you get from friends and family might be limited at the moment too. It doesn't matter who you are or how resilient, we are living in much more stressful times than at any time in the past 70 years. Which makes self-care increasingly, touch therapies and managing mental and physical health ever more important. A Reflexology treatment can give you an opportunity to stop and allow you to notice how you feel, to see the stresses and strains that are present in your life and to listen to your intuition as to how best to reduce the intensity of those stressors. The relaxation that you will receive from a treatment will stop all your stress in it's tracks, because you can't be stressed and relaxed at the same time. By giving yourself permission to stop, you give yourself an opportunity to restore some balance to mind, body and emotion. And by allowing someone else to take the strain, even for just an hour, you give yourself permission to switch off completely, and that can't be a bad thing. Often when we're stressed our mind runs the show, over-riding helpful signals from our body. If we lose touch with those helpful signals from our body, like tiredness, tension, thirst, hunger, or eye strain, we may be setting ourselves up for more serious conditions down the line. Touch therapies allow you to tune into your body and help to restore the mind/body balance: they help you develop awareness of what is happening in both mind and body and that's essential, because without awareness, nothing will change. Give yourself a break, book a relaxing Reflexology treatment today.