We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. - Albert Einstein Do you have problems that you just can't seem to solve? Are there issues in your life that seem constant, regardless of how hard you try to overcome them? Do you feel you stuck in a rut, getting nowhere fast? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting a different outcome. I mean really, wouldn’t you need to be mad to think that somehow, magically, one time, if you keep doing the same thing, you’re going to get a different outcome? So if you want to get a different outcome, you need to do something different. If you want to feel differently you need to think or act differently. But what do you need to do? Well perhaps you already know... have you've been saying to yourself – “If I just did A, B or C it would help me to X, Y or Z”, so for example –
But how to you stop getting anxious, look after yourself better and do something new? It’s not always easy. I'm a great believer in the path of least resistance. Why put huge amounts of effort into overcoming resistance when you can just go round it with no effort at all. It's not about being lazy (well not much!), it's about being sensible and efficient - why make things hard for yourself if you don't need to. And that's one of the reasons I love Reflexology! Reflexology is a physical approach that can impact on mental and emotional states. Our mind, body and emotions are not separate entities, they're all part of us and if one part is out of balance, all of us is out of balance. So, Reflexology is not just for those wishing physical benefits (although it's great at providing that), it's for anyone who feels an imbalance in mind, body or emotion. For example, if you are going through a challenging time emotionally, and all the talking about it has taken you nowhere, perhaps a relaxing Reflexology treatment will allow you to feel more in tune with yourself and less anxious, angry, fearful, or whatever other emotions are implicit in your situation. And if you feel less anxious, angry, fearful, etc you will respond in a different way and your problem will appear in a different light to you. So, if thinking about something causes you to feel a certain way, then changing the way you feel can cause you to change the way you think. No effort, no resistance, no problem (or at least less of a problem). And with Reflexology, you just sit back and let someone else take the strain. So, if you're making things hard for yourself, give yourself a break and if you haven't tried it before, give Reflexology a chance. To book an appointment, contact me (Doris) on 07724 197627.
I first wrote this article around this time last year, and I make no apologies for re-posting it again today... Because I heard recently that most people manage about 9 days of their New Year resolutions before they give up. So if you've had great intentions regarding the changes you'd like to make this year, but find sticking to them much more difficult than you'd thought, here are a few tips to strengthen your resolve:
1. If you've got a goal - WRITE IT DOWN and look at your written goal every day. 2. Be clear about WHY you want your goal - and how much better off you will be once you have it - and write that down too. Write down lots of benefits that achieving your goal will bring you and think about them every day. 3. Imagination is stronger than willpower, so imagine yourself AS YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE. 4. GET EMOTIONALLY INVOLVED. Generate strong feelings of how it would feel when you achieve your goal, get yourself really, really motivated to achieve your goal. 5. Think only in the positive - the brain doesn't process negatives (try NOT thinking about an orange elephant), so FOCUS ON WHAT YOU WANT, rather than what you don't want. 6. Check you can MEASURE PROGRESS towards your goal and break your goal down into smaller manageable chunks. Monitor your success and if you're not meeting your targets, use that as a reason to get even more motivated. Good luck! Lothian Reflexology provides Reflexology for Stress, General Health & Wellbeing, Fertility and Pregnancy. Gift Vouchers Available JANUARY OFFER: Detox Reflexology - 3 treatments for the price of 2 only in January and February. Do you have great intentions, but find putting them into action much more difficult? Here are a few tips to strengthen your resolve: