![]() We often think of our health in purely physical terms, but as a Reflexologist, I have a strong view that health also has a mental or psychological dimension. Having a strong belief in our ability to manifest our desires and the means to manage our thoughts can have a dynamic and very significant effect on our mental and physical health. I have a saying on my wall which reads: "There is a difference between wishing for a thing and being ready to receive it. No one is ready for a thing until he believes he can acquire it.” I’m not sure where it came from or who said it, but I do think that our beliefs have a vital impact on our results. Does your belief support you desires and aspirations? Do you really believe that it will all happen for you some day or do you think it will never happen for you? Go inside yourself for a moment and ask yourself just how strongly you believe that you will be able to achieve your dreams and goals Give yourself a score of 1 – 10 where, 1 = not very strongly at all and 10 = 100% certainty. If your score is less than 10 then you need to work on your belief. To create a strong belief you need three things: 1. To know that it is POSSIBLE to achieve your objective 2. To know that you are ABLE to achieve your objective 3. To know that you DESERVE to achieve your objective Know it’s possible Everything is POSSIBLE, but you must feel that it is possible for you, at this moment. You cannot prove a negative, therefore you can never prove that you are incapable of anything, you can only say that you have not achieved it YET. Do not be too quick to decide what is impossible. Know you are able Avoid putting limitations on what you think is possible. Do you have an age beyond which you think something will be impossible? Do you think you are less likely than friends your age to be able to achieve your golas? These beliefs are arbitrary judgements you have made about yourself and they are just as likely to be WRONG as they are to be right. Banish them, completely, NOW. Keep an open mind. Be positive in your thinking. And open yourself up to the abundant possibilities on offer. Know you deserve it Do you deserve to realise all your dreams and aspirations? If you don’t feel you deserve it, why not? Do you have a belief system that says: things need to be difficult to have value; or you never get what you really want; or everyone is better and more deserving than you; or bad things happen to good people? If your health would benefit from a boost why not try a Reflexology session, because if you don't give it a try, you'll never know what benefits you may get from the treatment. If you'd like to know more about Reflexology click here.
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